

ForSys At a Glance

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Maximizing opportunities for co-implementing fuel break network and restoration projects

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Prioritizing restoration and risk reduction landscape projects with the ForSys planning system

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Optimizing the implementation of a forest fuel break network

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Contrasting the efficiency of landscape versus community protection fuel treatment strategies to reduce wildfire exposure and risk

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Designing forest restoration projects to optimize the application of broadcast burning

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Multi-objective scheduling of fuel treatments to implement a linear fuel break network

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Development and application of the Fireshed Registry

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Planning for future fire: Scenario analysis of an accelerated fuel reduction plan for the Western United States

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Spatial optimization and tradeoffs of alternative forest management scenarios in Macedonia, Greece

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The economic reality of the forest and fuel management deficit on a fire prone western US national forest

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An assessment of forest and woodland restoration priorities to address wildfire risk in New Mexico

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Balancing ecological and economic objectives in restoration of fire frequent forests – Case study from the Four Forest Restoration Initiative

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Tradeoffs between US national forest harvest targets and fuel management to reduce wildfire transmission to the wildland urban interface.

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Coupling wildfire spread and erosion models to quantify post-fire erosion before and after fuel treatments

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Cost-effective fuel treatment planning: a theoretical justification and case study

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Optimizing prescribed fire allocation for managing fire risk in central Catalonia

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Economic opportunities and trade-offs in collaborative forest landscape restoration

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Landscape-scale fuel treatment and wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and fire hazard in California spotted owl habitat

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Production possibility frontiers and socioecological tradeoffs for restoration of fire adapted forests

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Temporal optimization of fuel treatment design in blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) plantations

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Evaluating alternative fuel treatment strategies to reduce wildfire losses in a Mediterranean area

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Prioritization of forest restoration projects: tradeoffs between wildfire protection, ecological restoration and economic objectives

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Trends in wildfire risk at time-scale: Optimizing fuel treatments configurations in eucalyptus plantations in Portugal

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Addressing trade-offs among fuel management scenarios through a dynamic and spatial integrated approach for enhanced decision-making in eucalyptus forest

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Restoration of fire in managed forests: a model to prioritize landscapes and analyze tradeoffs

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Overview and example application of the Landscape Treatment Designer

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